Guidance and employment

What is GET

The “Integration of Youth in the Job Market” project, launched by the European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD) and Semeurs d’Avenir, facilitates youth with vocational and technical training entering the job market in Lebanon. Hence, the project name GET: Guidance, Employment, and Training.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Encourage proper career guidance and employment for students.
  • Support technical student autonomy, honing their abilities to become actors in their own future.
  • Act as a mediator to facilitate meetings between employers and job seekers.
  • Enhance matching between supply and demand through skills-based work programs.
  • Achieve transparency in the labor market for marginalized groups.

To achieve these goals, IECD and Semeurs d’Avenir implemented innovative and complementary mentoring activities and support systems by integrating new mindsets and concepts favoring youth.


The activities

Guidance and Employment Offices (GEO):

Among GET’s programs, Guidance and Employment Offices are deployed in technical schools across Lebanon. These offices carry out guidance and employment activities in the school, centralizing the organization of these activities.

The mission of the office is to support and facilitate the professional integration of youth in an efficient and transparent manner.

The comprehensive vision of professional integration:

  1. Begins with preparatory orientation before the academic year.
  2. Depends on comprehensive personal and professional monitoring during the academic year.
  3. Continues with career guidance after graduation.

The main objective of GEOs is to help students develop an appropriate career path. Work with students can be realized individually or in small groups. The Office takes into account the circumstances of each student and their place in the job market (where and how students see themselves working to provide individual advice). The Office staff work to ensure equal opportunities in education/training for students in target groups, to realize their desired goals by facilitating student progress towards adequate employment and economic independence.

The GET project deploys GEOs in more than 23 technical schools, both private and public, across Lebanon. The GET team trains and builds the capacity of the Office staff and supports and monitors the newly selected GEO staff to gain independence and the ability to successfully accomplish their duties and missions.

Geographical locations of guidance and recruitment offices.

Mehnati” is an online platform dedicated to raising awareness about vocational and technical education in Lebanon.

Mehnati” introduces academic school students to various aspects of vocational education and guides them in the process of career development by evaluating their skills, exploring their career paths, developing their capabilities, and planning their future.

The student may feel confused when the time comes to choosing their future major or profession, which may lead some students to choose any specialization, without taking into consideration how it can affect their developmental characteristics.

Professional development does not only consist of choosing a major or continuing education without a plan, rather it is a path with specific stages: self-knowledge, exploration, self-development, and planning. Knowing these stages and following them step-by-step helps to develop confidence and stability and contributes to reaching the desired goal.

Mehnati helps all users, especially students, at all stages, by providing a number of articles for professionals and a set of practical videos that shed light on important and essential topics. In addition, this site provides users with a set of useful tools to help them discover their strong suites and enter the job market successfully.
Click here to learn more:


The Guidance and Employment Forum is an activity that complements other activities implemented by the Guidance and Employment Offices Network and the GET project. This annual forum aims to:

  • Connect companies with about-to-graduate youth from technical schools.
  • Attract job seekers (technical specifications) for the benefit of the exhibiting companies.
  • Connect GEOs with companies in their area.
  • Strengthen technical and vocational education.
  • Allow youth who are still in school to be directed towards technical and vocational education.
  • Provide vocational guidance courses for youth.

More companies participate every year despite the difficult economic and employment situation in Lebanon and allows them to communicate with job seekers in technical fields, building a database of candidates, as it is sometimes difficult to reach these job seekers through other means of communication (internet, advertisements, social networks, etc.).


The GET project organizes regular seminars that bring together representatives from the private sector and vocational schools to share their needs and build relationships, establish a network between them, expand cooperation, and ultimately connect technical students to the Lebanese market, facilitating their integration.

These seminars seek to gather all partner schools that cover most of the Lebanese territory, and link them with the participating companies to discuss the current problems, especially at the employment level in Lebanon, and to try to formulate an action plan to fill in the gaps.

Problems include filling skill gaps in technical graduates, or gaps in the recruitment process.
During each seminar, attendees engage in an interactive workshop, followed by a useful discussion under the guidance of an expert trainer.


Figures since the launching the project:

Partner schools participated with GEOs.
Trainers work for GEOs.
GEOs provide 656 workshops for students.
GEOs trained 182 students.
GEOs helped place 315 students in jobs.
GEOs have 674 students registered for the training.