Since 2010, following a feasibility study, Semeurs d’Avenir have been implementing a program to support small businesses, craftsmen, and traders in Tripoli and the regions of the North, along with its partner IECD.
In Lebanon, more than 28% of the population live under the poverty threshold. At the same time, there are many small businesses that have the potential of growth, particularly in North Lebanon. This potential is not fulfilled because small businesses do not have basic management skills.
As a result of this study, IECD and Semeurs d’Avenir found the needs of these institutions and their owners revolve around the following matters:
The Entrepreneurship Program in Semeurs d’Avenir has broaden its actions today, by addressing three different publics: The small entrepreneurs, the start-ups, and the fresh graduates.
The program includes training in business administration and entrepreneurship, divided into ten sessions, two hours per session.
In addition to management skills, the owner of the project / institution, who participates in the program, benefits from the following services:
In 2017, the Skills for Your Business project was launched to support the entrepreneurial skills for youth between 18 to 35 years old, who wish to establish their own business, enabling them to launch and manage their own projects in the following regions: North Lebanon, Beirut, and Mount Lebanon.
There are many initiatives in Lebanon to promote entrepreneurship among the most vulnerable groups, the most prominent of which is entrepreneurship training.
The Skills for Your Business project implemented by IECD and Semeurs d’Avenir highlights the uniqueness of its objective and approach because it targets youth to help and guide them into self-employment.
The Skills for Your Business project uses the following methodology:
Results of TPE and Skills for your Business
The Lebanese non-governmental organization, Semeurs d’Avenir, was founded in 2010 with the support of the European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD), in order to put in place a local structure that can carry on and ensure the sustainability of projects launched by the IECD in Lebanon with its local partners. Semeurs d’Avenir is the main partner of IECD in Lebanon.
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