
Who is the electrotechnician?

An electrotechnician is a specialist in the practical application of electricity (automatic control systems, speed differential machines, solar panels): they design, analyze, install and maintain electrical equipment for household industries or offices.


How long is the certificate duration?

Three years are required to complete the BT Electrotechnical. During these years, the student must complete two training periods, eight weeks each.

  • In the first year, the training is held in the construction or service sector (construction site or institutions, such as hospitals, offices, etc.).
  • In the second year, the training is held in the industrial sector (large, small, or medium enterprises).

The training provides young men or women with professional experience before obtaining the certificate. Institutions require this expertise, so it is the school’s duty to encourage and monitor the training in order to increase its students’ capabilities.

What will the student learn during the three years?

What skills will the student acquire?

The acquired skills will allow the student to work on all types of electrical equipment in a professional manner:

Technical skills:

  • Students will be able to understand the installation file, the construction site and electrical equipment, and to finalize an action plan.
  • They can plan and organize the work in an efficient manner.
  • They can perform, entrust, program, monitor, and secure electrical equipment in industrial and commercial institutions.
  • Students adhere to local and international security regulations.

Comprehensive skills:

  • Students can analyze problems and provide solutions.
  • They can look up technical information in a manual.
  • They can use electrical software.
  • Students can build a solid relationship with the customer.

What are the advantages of a technical certificate in electrotechnics?

  • Program is suitable for the needs of the job market in Lebanon.
  • Professional experience is provided during the training period.
  • Use of new, cutting-edge technologies.
  • Students are awarded the Schneider Electric Certificate of Participation.