


Semeurs D'Avenir’s projects aim to support young people and ensure their professional integration, as well as to support vocational and technical education and to improve career guidance services in Lebanon. It also aims to create new employment opportunities through entrepreneurship and small business support. The number of projects has reached 13 to date, and the association continues to grow and develop.


Semeurs d’Avenir’s team is at your service

Semeurs d’Avenir’s team is at your service and at the service of all the beneficiaries of the thirteen projects spread throughout the Lebanese territories.

To join the team, click on this link and fill the form.


Semeurs D'avenir in their words

Many people from different backgrounds benefit from our various projects, including Lebanese, refugees, children, students, and adults. In this section, we highlight some of their stories.

“With the psychologist, I have made a lot of effort to better manage my anger and my emotions. I can better control my reactions which were often aggressive and impulsive”



Syrian refugee student in Lebanon at Janah center

"With practice and the internship, I could immediately enter the job market. Now I work for a large electrical maintenance company with other technicians."


Peter Daou

Graduate from the Electrotechnics BT program

It is interesting for us to cooperate with an organization like Semeurs d’avenir and IECD for their credibility, professionalism, and experience in the educational field, making sure that the invested funds are used in the best way towards our goals.


Marc Charabati

General Director of Schneider Electric Lebanon

“I was depressed and now I am proud of myself, and I am happy to be successful in my work which offers support at home for the elderly and sick”



Beneficiary of the training in “Care for the elderly and the sick”

“We need money to live, especially in view of the economic crisis and Corona, but the most important thing is that these courses help us to continue, to succeed and to think about growing more”


Samar Mostafa

Beneficiary of the Entrepreneurship Program.

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