Graduation ceremony of the first class of BT programming
- Roy Haddad
- September 24, 2022
After 3 years of work and training established in 5 technical schools around Lebanon, 64 young men and women have received their diploma in BT programming, with an 87% pass rate of success in the official exam. This BT program which was launched in 2019 by Semeurs d'Avenir and IECD in collaboration with partners from the public and private sector and with the DGVET, has succeeded in training young people in coding and programming to be able to enter the labor market with higher qualifications.
A Health Day with the participation of the Caregiver trainees
- Roy Haddad
- July 17, 2022
A Health Day with the participation of our Caregivers training beneficiaries, with the medical team of Rafic Hariri University Hospital (RHUH). This day has also included the inauguration of the treatment room of the cardiac intensive care unit and the Graduation Ceremony of 74 trainees who officially received their certificates of participation in the short training program.
Graduation ceremony for the “On-the-job” Training Project
- Roy Haddad
- January 28, 2022
The Graduation Ceremony of the project "On-the-job Training in Heritage Professions" at the French Embassy in Beirut.